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Segregation never, inspiration now

It's not easy being a Rockstar. Although I think I'm getting the hang of it, I still cringe everytime someone asks me "Who is your biggest influence", or "Who is your inspiration" or "Who do you sound the most like" All of those questions irritate me just the same. Now, i'm not blameing the poor innocent soul who should happen to ask me one of the above because they are completely ligitimate questions. Unfortunately the answer is not that easy. You see, EVERYTHING influences me and even I don't know where it all comes from. And I certainly can't separate all my inspiration into categories. I've listened to 20 some odd years worth of music and have experienced a whole lot of things. When I write songs I honestly don't have any one particular song, or artist or experience in mind. What inspires me? How about the the white noise in the car when I drive with the music off...The major third interval that my apartment elevator sings to me 100 times a day...my moms voice on my answering machine. "Hey little girl" she says, although I'm 20 something :)...my great grandmother's stories about our Native American history ( and I would like to add that my Great grandmother still drives and still hits the casinos in Atlantic City!)...my best friend when she says "love ya girl" and tells me she's glad I'm her best friend...my man when he SCREAMS he loves me, then holds me and won't let me go...THESE things inspire me to write and to live. These things are music to my ears...

...oh yeah...and who do I sound like? I sound like ME

Hey babe...welcome to the wonderful of blogging :P

I don't think that people mean you have to just pick "one" thing in your life as an influence or an inspiration. Rather, I think what is meant is what started the ball rolling..what got you into music in the first place..what was your first "love" that made you choose this path of life. Of course everything in life is an influence on an artist, that's a given and those who don't draw inspiration daily from their lives and the world around them never get very far as artists. So back to the question, what or when or who lit that fire for you, started that passion for music?

Actually, they do want me to pick just ONE influence. That’s what bugs me so much and those are the people I’m talking about. My whole life is engulfed by music. I come across people all the time who want to know how I got started and ended up on this path. I have no problems answering their questions, that’s part of what I do. I love to tell people my story because I’m proud of it and I have advice to offer…etc. I’ll talk if they want to listen….but… I’m talking about the people who start to get the story from me and basically interrupt to ask “ So, if you could pick just one person you sound like who would it be?” Once again I say, it’s not that simple. Some things are not so cut and dry to everyone… so, if you’re asking me what or when or who lit that fire for me, I’m glad to answer. I’ll make it a future blog entry. Thanks for the comment Idbug :)

I see, well then I look forward to that post.

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  • I'm Musicgirl
  • From the culturally diverse land of
    Washington, D.C., United States
  • "Oh life could be much easier on me if I let things go and hid the feelings I show" - musicgirl lyrics
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