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OK…I’m ready to talk about it… As most of you have heard, I recently lost my beloved car to a terrible disease know as engine failure. It affects about 90% of all cars with over 240,000 miles and it can strike when you least expect it. Fortunately, I suspected it. Some slight indications were the stutter, stutter, putt, putt thing it did when I would stop at lights and accelerate…no matter how cute, calm, cool, and collected I tried to be, It still looked and felt like I was rolling on square wheels across a moonbounce road(?) :/. Then there was the extremely loud hummm that resonated throughout the depths of you. It was so loud, talking on my cell phone in the car was no longer an option and if you managed to catch me the conversation would go something like…(hummmmmmmmmm)”Hel,hummmmm,l,hummmmm,o. Thummmidyummm? Caummmmmmn yummmmhumou hummhearmmmmm humeeeeumm….shiummmmt. Goddammmmuuuummmn Carhummmmmmmmm.” Goddamned car. And it really sucked when people would ride with me and ask me if my car was stuck in second gear. No you big fat jerk. It isn’t. And obviously you wouldn’t know second gear if it hit you in the face seeing as how I’m driving you somewhere cause your useless ass doesn’t have a car. (ok..musicgirl…take a deep breath)
Ok…maybe I’m not ready to talk about this…I must heal a little more…I can’t be asked

…to be continued…

Sorry about the car, kid:( I really and truely know how you feel. I currently drive a piece of crap I have affectionately dubbed the "ghetto cruiser" and it tends to make people nervous to ride with me. Honestly, I'm nervous driving it, I just waiting for the day it finally dies and hoping that day is farther off then I'm thinking....

Opps, pardon my fast typing..."I just waiting" should be "I am just waiting" I guess I'm losing my grasp of the English language this morning:)

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  • I'm Musicgirl
  • From the culturally diverse land of
    Washington, D.C., United States
  • "Oh life could be much easier on me if I let things go and hid the feelings I show" - musicgirl lyrics
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