Friday, March 31, 2006

Guys!?!? The camera's thata way!!! boys pulled a fast one on me...

Actually, The guy way in the back in the white shirt is the old drummer, so this picture is an exclusive never been seen KC photo ;)New press photo's are on the way with the new drummer(who has actually been with us for a year) so I figured you might enjoy some of these old one's...

...Now what the hell are they doing? At least SOMEONE's paying attention.

I told "G" to lay off the bong hits...

Stop making us laugh!!! ...And stop acting like you didn't just make us laugh!!

FINALLY!!!! A keeper.

Band photos are fun :)

The ladies like "G"...especially when he makes his face look all sexy like this

...but then he goes and shows how insecure he really is by doin stuff like this to his bass rehearsal...
Does he REALLY look like the guy from 'Friends'?

Gibson and Me

Although Gibson and I have a love affair...

I have Tidy on my mind, here....

...and here... >;)

Thursday, March 30, 2006

KC on the Radio!!!

98rock Presents
(Noise in the Basement)

between 11pm-12
Sunday April 2,2006

(song from new EP will also be played)

see the interview via webcam
(...hopefully it works...if not, yell at them :P)

Noise in the Basement live performance
Monday April 3, @
FLETCHER’s in Baltimore…
show at 9pm



Saturday, March 25, 2006

Quick update...

Yes..I know. My blog is looking awfully pitiful, but its ok because I've been busy and my boyfriends blog looks really cool :P I also spend alot of time on MySpace when I do get to a computer because I have lots of band business to take care of...
I do however feel the blog bug coming don't give up on me now... Here's a quick update until I can write more...

My band recently finished a 4 song EP that seems to be catching the attention of some significant people

My band is now being sponsored by March Forth clothing. That means free clothes and big shows!(Don't worry'll get free stuff too) Check them out at and
( I may be doing some modeling as well for them, so keep an eye out...)

My Music Therapy practicum is going extremely well...I am working at Lombardi Cancer Center in Georgetown Washington, DC and everytime I am there I am even more assured of the healing power of music...I will share some of my most enlightening experiences soon...

...but, that's all for now...and don't forget to check out My Web Page