Wednesday, November 23, 2005


OK…I’m ready to talk about it… As most of you have heard, I recently lost my beloved car to a terrible disease know as engine failure. It affects about 90% of all cars with over 240,000 miles and it can strike when you least expect it. Fortunately, I suspected it. Some slight indications were the stutter, stutter, putt, putt thing it did when I would stop at lights and accelerate…no matter how cute, calm, cool, and collected I tried to be, It still looked and felt like I was rolling on square wheels across a moonbounce road(?) :/. Then there was the extremely loud hummm that resonated throughout the depths of you. It was so loud, talking on my cell phone in the car was no longer an option and if you managed to catch me the conversation would go something like…(hummmmmmmmmm)”Hel,hummmmm,l,hummmmm,o. Thummmidyummm? Caummmmmmn yummmmhumou hummhearmmmmm humeeeeumm….shiummmmt. Goddammmmuuuummmn Carhummmmmmmmm.” Goddamned car. And it really sucked when people would ride with me and ask me if my car was stuck in second gear. No you big fat jerk. It isn’t. And obviously you wouldn’t know second gear if it hit you in the face seeing as how I’m driving you somewhere cause your useless ass doesn’t have a car. (ok..musicgirl…take a deep breath)
Ok…maybe I’m not ready to talk about this…I must heal a little more…I can’t be asked

…to be continued…

Friday, November 18, 2005

A Little Secret

Being a psychologist can be extremely draining, but also very rewarding. I have learned so much from the clients I have worked with in the past. I worked with mentally ill adults for a couple of years teaching them independent living skills with the hope that one day they would be, well, independent. Although about 90% will never leave their group home because of the severity of their mental illness, working towards the goals was fun and challenging for both client and I. The more “normal” I treated them, the more “normal” they acted. And the more TLC and patience I demonstrated…the fewer behavior problems they demonstrated. Seems like such a simple remedy. I learned a lot from them and I miss them all …I think I’ll stop by the Day Program to say “hi”….

My Music Therapy practicum this semester involves running treatment groups for Alzheimer and Dementia patients. I have to admit, I was a little apprehensive although confident that I had seen a bit of everything working with the mentally ill. Now I am loving the experience as well as the treatment population. The music groups I run exercise memory and other cognitive functions as well as physical, social, and emotional avenues. The clients really like" Name that Tune"…it’s strange how one can remember the melody from a song they learned 70 years ago, but can’t remember their child’s name…or…that they put their reading glasses in their sock…which brings me to the point of this entry…

So, there is this sweet lady in the Alzheimer’s/ Dementia unit that is seemingly quite “normal”. She is full of energy, is always smiling, loves to read…yada,yada,yada. Well Ms. Pink ( 'cause that’s what she was wearing on this particular day) was walking around as if she were looking for something. My practicum supervisor(Ms.R) asks, “Ms. Pink, are you looking for something?” Ms. Pink, smiling says,” Why yes, actually I’m looking for my glasses…I don’t know where I put them, but you know I like to read.” Then, Ms. Pink begins to look around, and then leans in close to Ms. R and me as if she has a secret to tell and says “Can I tell you a little secret? Well, I use to keep my glasses in my bra…you know…for a little lift (as she pretend cups her breasts and pretend lifts them up and down).” LOL! What a jokester! She starts to laugh and scurries off…

…. 30 minutes later…. Ms. Pink (' cause that’s what she was wearing on this particular day) was walking around as if she were looking for something. My practicum supervisor (Ms.R) asks, “Ms. Pink, are you looking for something?” Ms. Pink, smiling says,” Why yes, actually I’m looking for my glasses…I don’t know where I put them, but you know I like to read.” Then, Ms. Pink begins to look around, and then leans in close to Ms. R and me as if she has a secret to tell and says “Can I tell you a little secret? Well, I use to keep my glasses in my bra…you know…for a little lift (as she pretend cups her breasts and pretend lifts them up and down).”

…that’s right folks…she did and said the exact same thing 30 mins later...and another 30 mins after that she found her glasses in her sock where she put them. She so gracefully cracked a joke saying that she put them there so she wouldn’t lose them! LOL

That’s what Alzheimer’s is like sometimes… copy and paste…except the information is pasted in random places at random times and some parts are accidentally deleted.

Cherish the memories you’ve made, and continue to make memories that you can forever cherish

Thursday, November 17, 2005

...It feels good!

Today was a great day. It started at 12 :00am (naturally). I had the privilege of bringing it in while on stage at a regular gig of mine in Baltimore. Ah…Towson University Students are wonderful...and Wednesday is dollar beer night so there were lots of drunk girls shaking what their mama’s gave them in front of me, and lots of drunk guys staring at my every move. What fun…. Last night was a little different than all the other nights. This time a friend of mine drove. It was nice because I often dread traveling from DC to Baltimore, performing with everything I’ve got, doing the meet and greet thing, fighting off drunk people, packing up and moving gear, then, driving all the way back to DC. Thing is…I love it more than I hate it :) But it was still nice to have a friend drive…

So…my friend, we’ll call him Big G kept talking about the show the whole way home. It was cool. It was the first time he caught our set in its entirety and he kept talking about how the bar didn’t charge him for his food ‘cause he showed up with me and how that made him feel like “one of the big boys”. He was so excited…then he starts talking about how I should never have to drive to a gig. Big G then says that he is going to rent a Cadillac and drive me to the gig every Wednesday we play there. I thought he was kidding but he assured me over and over again with the whole “you think I’m kidding…just wait and see…” line. Big G says that to him I’m a star and I should be treated like one… I don’t need all that stuff (probably because my man spoils the shit of me)…but I couldn’t stop thinking…what a friend. I was indeed flattered….

So anyway, back to my day…so the ride up and back involved me reading a book about Electronic Music. I am currently attending school to become a board certified Music Therapist and decided that I knew enough about Electronic Music that I shouldn’t have to take the class…so…I asked the professor if I could try to test out of it. He allowed me to take the final exam…and the results are……………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………….. I passed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With an 80% !!!! Do you know how wonderful that feels! I just wanted to scream!.. wait… I did scream, then I called my sweetie pie, and my father, and my mother…and two of my friends, and danced around my living room with Loverboy (my pussy…cat that is) It just felt good. I’m working on my second degree here and it feels nice to be able to take some short-cuts. So today was a good day (even though I only slept for about three hours) It was a great day.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

...America, America..this is you!

LMAOROTFC...(translates to: laughing my ass off rolling on the floor crying!) Damn I love America's Funniest Home Videos! The gymnastics segment just went off. I'm dying here. LMAO!!!!!!! this girl was on the uneven bars...she seemed to have it all together...once, twice, three times around the higher bar...she takes one more swing, (I guess to get enough umf to make it to the lower bar)..she lets go and while her body is in a sitting like position in the air... her ass hits the lower bar and bouces her back about 10ft to her ever so graceful landing...(still LMAO!) Help...I can't stop hurts....

Segregation never, inspiration now

It's not easy being a Rockstar. Although I think I'm getting the hang of it, I still cringe everytime someone asks me "Who is your biggest influence", or "Who is your inspiration" or "Who do you sound the most like" All of those questions irritate me just the same. Now, i'm not blameing the poor innocent soul who should happen to ask me one of the above because they are completely ligitimate questions. Unfortunately the answer is not that easy. You see, EVERYTHING influences me and even I don't know where it all comes from. And I certainly can't separate all my inspiration into categories. I've listened to 20 some odd years worth of music and have experienced a whole lot of things. When I write songs I honestly don't have any one particular song, or artist or experience in mind. What inspires me? How about the the white noise in the car when I drive with the music off...The major third interval that my apartment elevator sings to me 100 times a moms voice on my answering machine. "Hey little girl" she says, although I'm 20 something :) great grandmother's stories about our Native American history ( and I would like to add that my Great grandmother still drives and still hits the casinos in Atlantic City!) best friend when she says "love ya girl" and tells me she's glad I'm her best man when he SCREAMS he loves me, then holds me and won't let me go...THESE things inspire me to write and to live. These things are music to my ears...

...oh yeah...and who do I sound like? I sound like ME

Friday, November 11, 2005

Here we go...

So I've decided to join the world of blogging. I seem to have no problem now I have taken the next logical step. My most wonderful boyfriend and best friend both are bloggers, so I should be so giving and share my thoughts as well... so here we go...